1.1 Database Management System (DBMS)
DBMS guarantees compliance with the ACID paradigm. This compliance ensures that in a multi-user environment, all changes made within a single transaction adhere to the following principles:
Atomic: either all changes take place or none does.
Consistent: changes transform the database from one valid state to another valid state.
Isolated: transactions of different users working at the same time will not affect each other.
Durable: the database retains committed changes even if the system crashes afterward.
1.2 Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)
A relational DBMS is an implementation of data stores according to the design rules of the relational model.
This approach allows operations on data based on relational algebra, including projections, selections, joins, and set operations (union, difference, intersection, etc.).
Together with Boolean algebra (
, etc.) and other mathematical concepts, relational algebra builds up a complete mathematical system with basic operations, complex operations, and transformation rules between the operations.To connect a database, minimal requirement may include: user name, password, database name, host, port etc.
1.3 SQL History
Source: Wikipedia
SQL was initially developed at IBM by Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce in the early 70s.
Initially, the pre-release version of SQL was called SEQUEL (Structured English Query Language)
IBM released the first version in 1981 and called it SQL (Structured Query Language)
SQL became a standard of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in 1986
It became the standard of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 1987.
Since then, several revisions of the standard have been made, introducing new commands and support for technologies such as Java, XML, and regular expressions.
The standards are also modified by different RDBMS engines.