6  SQL Functions

6.1 Aggregate Functions

Function Details
AVG Average of a set of values
COUNT Number of items in a set
MAX Maximum value in a set
MIN Minimum value in a set
SUM Sum of all or distinct values in a set

6.2 Math Functions

Function Details
ABS Absolute value
ACOS Arc cosine of an argument
ASIN Arc sine of an argument
ATAN Arc tangent of an argument
CEILING, CEIL Returns the closest whole number (integer) upward from a decimal point
COS Cosine of an argument
COT Cotangent of an argument
DEGREES Convert radian values to degree
DIV Allows dividing integers
EXP The constant e (2.71828…) that raises to a power of a specified number
FLOOR Returns whole number (integer) downward from a decimal point
LN Natural logarithm of the argument
LOG Natural logarithm of the first argument
LOG10 Base 10 logarithm of the argument
LOG2 Base 2 logarithm of the argument
MOD Remainder (modulo) of a number divided by another
PI The value of pi which is 3.14159265358979
POWER A number raised to a power of a specified number
RAND A random floating point value
ROUND Rounds a number to a specific precision
SIGN Sign of an argument
SIN Sine of an argument
SQRT Square root of an argument
TAN Tangent of an argument
TRUNCATE Truncates to a specified number of decimal places

6.3 String Functions

Function Details
ASCII ASCII code of the first character of a string
CHAR_LENGTH Character length of a string
CHR Character corresponding to the input ASCII code
CONCAT Result of the concatenation of two or more strings
LEFT Extract a string from the left with the given number
LENGTH, LEN The length of a string in bytes
LOCATE Locates the first occurrence of one string within a string
LOWER, LCASE Converts all characters in a string to lowercase
LTRIM Remove any leading spaces from the given string.
MID Extracts one string from another, starting from any position.
POSITION Returns the position of the first time one substring appears within another.
REPEAT Repeat a string
REPLACE Replaces all occurrences of a specified substring in a string by a new substring
REVERSE Reverse a string
RIGHT Extract a string from the right with the given number
RTRIM Removes any trailing spaces from the given string.
SPACE Returns a string full of spaces equal to the amount you pass it.
STRCOMP Compares two strings for differences
SUBSTRING Extracts a substring from a string
SUBSTRING, SUBSTR Extracts one substring from another, starting from any position.
TRIM Removes unwanted characters e.g., whitespaces from a string
UPPER, UCASE Converts all characters in a string to uppercase

6.4 Date Functions

Function Details
CURRENT_DATE Current date
CURRENT_TIME Current time
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Current date and time
DATEADD Add an interval to a date
DATEDIFF Find the difference between two dates
DATEPART Extract a part of a date such as a year, month, and day from a given date