12 Matrix & Array

  • Generate p-dimensional array

  • Matrix is the 2-dimensional array

  • In Python, we need to load numpy library

12.1 R

X = matrix(c(1, 2, 3, 4), nrow = 2, ncol = 2)

Y = matrix(c(5, 6, 7, 8), nrow = 2, ncol = 2)

Function Explanation Example.
dim Dimension of a matrix (row, col) dim(X)
nrow Number of rows of a matrix nrow(X)
ncol Number of columns of a matrix ncol(X)
rbind Row bind two matrices rbind(X, Y)
cbind Column bind two matrices cbind(X, Y)
rowSums Rowwise sum of elements of a matrix rowSums(X)
colSums Columnwise sum of elements of a matrix colSums(X)
rank Rank of a matrix rank(X)
+ Addition of two matrices X + Y
- Subtraction of two matrices X - Y
* Elementwise multiplication of two matrices X * Y
%*% Multiplication of two matrices X %*% Y
outer Outer product of two matrices outer(X, Y)
cross Cross product of two matrices cross(X, Y)
t Tranpose of a matrix t(X)
det Determinant of a matrix det(X)
solve Inverse of a matrix solve(X)

12.2 R Matrix Indexing

  • R Matrix is indexed by row and column

  • MatrixObj[row, col]

  • Example: MatrixObj[2, 1] gets the element at the second row and first column

  • Keeping it blank in the first (second) position will return all rows (all columns)

  • Example: MatrixObj[, 1] returns all rows of the first column

  • Example: MatrixObj[2, ] returns all columns of the second row

  • Remember the R indexing starts at 1

12.3 Python

import numpy as np

X = np.array([[1,2], [3,4]])

Y = np.array([[5,6], [7,8]])

Method Explanation Example.
ndim Dimension of an array X.ndim
shape Shape of a matrix or array (row, col) X.shape
shape Number of rows of a matrix X.shape[0]
shape Number of columns of a matrix X.shape[1]
vstack Row bind two matrices np.vstack((X, Y))
hstack Column bind two matrices np.hstack((X, Y))
sum, axis = 0 Rowwise sum of elements of a matrix X.sum(axis = 0); np.sum(X, axis = 0)
sum, axis = 1 Columnwise sum of elements of a matrix X.sum(axis = 1); np.sum(X, axis = 1)
rank Rank of a matrix np.linalg.matrix_rank(X)
+ Addition of two matrices X + Y
- Subtraction of two matrices X - Y
* Elementwise multiplication of two matrices X * Y; np.multiply(X, Y)
%*% Multiplication of two matrices np.matmul(X, Y)
outer Outer product of two matrices np.outer(X, Y)
cross Cross product of two matrices np.cross(X, Y)
t Tranpose of a matrix np.transpose(X)
det Determinant of a matrix np.linalg.det(X)
solve Inverse of a matrix np.linalg.inv(X)

12.4 Python Matrix Indexing

  • Indexing NumPy matrices is fundamentally the same as Python list indexing, although NumPy array can be n-dimensional.

  • Slicing and indexing on matrix is same as lists:


  • Indexing in one dimension will default to the first dimension (i.e. row):

X[0] = np.array([1,2])

  • Specifying the second dimension index will return an element of the matrix:

X[0,1] = 2 or X[0][1] = 2

  • To specifiy all elements of one dimension use :.

X[:, 1] = np.array([2,4])

  • In the case of ndim > 2 the ellipsis ... inserts as many full slices : to extend the multi-dimensional slice to all dimensions.

X[:,:,:,0] is equivalent to X[...,0]

  • Remember the Python indexing starts at 0