31 R Resources

31.1 General Help

31.2 Websites, Books & Manuals

  • An Introduction to R from CRAN. Web link

  • Contributed Documentation from CRAN: It includes several documents with more than 100 pages. Some interesting ones for the beginners are mentioned below. Web link.

  • Using R for Data Analysis and Graphics - Introduction, Examples and Commentary by John Maindonald: This book covers basics of R as well as graphics and simple to advanced statistical tools. Weblink

  • Kickstarting R by Jim Lemon is a perfect book for the beginner. The book covered many of the basic statistical principles covered in this course. Web link

  • Introductory Statistics with R by Peter Dalgaard: The first two chapters cover the basics of R and the rest of the book includes several topics in statistics using R.

  • The R Book. by Michael J Crawley is a comprehensive treatment of R and wide-ranging statistical tools.

  • R Programming for Data Science by Roger D Peng covers several aspects of R programming in a greater depth. Web link

  • And many more…

31.3 Tidyverse

  • Tidyverse is a collection of R packages that provides an integrated tool of data management and model building

  • Packages readr, haven and other packages to read data

  • The pipe operator %>% (from magrittr) with tidyr and dplyr packages to do data wrangling.

  • Packages purr, magrittr and glue for programming

  • A combination of packages tidymodels for modeling and statistical analysis

  • The package ggplot2 for plotting

  • A simple python wrapper to easily import packages that were designed to syntactically mimic the R tidyverse is pytidyverse