20 R: base plot

  • R base plot option creates several plot with very minimal coding.
  • High-level graphics function creates new plots
  • Low-level graphics function annotates plots
  • Graphical parameter function change plot parameters
  • More elegant plots can be created by changing numerous plot options

20.1 High-level graphics

Function Explanation
plot Scatterplot
pairs Scatterplot matrix
coplot Conditioning plot
hist Histogram
stem Stem-and-leaf plot
boxplot Box-and-whisker plot
qqnorm Quantile-quantile plot
barplot Bar plot
dotchart Dot plot
interaction.plot Profile plot of group means

20.2 Low-level graphics

Function Explanation
points Plot points at given coordinates
lines Draw lines between given coordinates
text Draw text at given coordinates
mtext Draw text in the margins of a plot
abline Draw a line of given intercept and slope, or a horizontal and/or vertical line
axis Add an axis
arrows Draw arrows
segments Draw line segments
rect Draw rectangles
polygon Draw polygons
box Draw a box around the plot
grid Add a rectangular grid
legend Add a legend (a key)
title Add labels

20.3 Graphical parameters

Function Explanation
main Title of the plot
ylab, xlab Labels for the y-axis and x-axis
ylim, xlim Limits for the y-axis and x-axis
type Plot type (points, lines, both, …),
pch Plot character (circles, dots, triangles, symbols, …)
cex Character expansion (size of plot characters)
lty Line type (solid, dots, dashes, …)
lwd Line width
col Colour of plot characters
las Orientation of the text on the tick marks

20.4 Read Data

Set the working directory to the data folder and read the iris dataset as an R object DF.

DF = read.csv('iris.csv')

20.5 Single variable

20.5.1 Histogram


20.5.2 Density plot


20.5.3 Boxplot


20.5.4 Bar plot


20.5.5 Pie chart


20.6 Multple variables

20.6.1 Scatter plot

plot(SepalLength ~ PetalLength, data = DF)

20.6.2 Scatter plot matrix

pairs(DF[, 1:4])

20.6.3 Boxplot

boxplot(SepalLength ~ Species, data = DF)